Friday, September 9, 2016

My Favorite iPhone App

How do you keep track of your schedules?  Do you make a to do list?  Do you write it out?  Do you keep it on your phone?  What kind of tools do you use when you are planning out your life?
For me, the easiest way to keep track of life is to use the Notes app on my phone.  I think I'd be lost without it.  It syncs to my computer so I can pull things up while I'm out and about and it helps me to keep track of my life without over complicating my life.

My To Do List for a week in August
One of my favorite ways to use the Notes app is for my to do list.  I've done my to do lists differently in the past but I'm trying out a new way my friend Trish Russell suggested in her Successful U course.  So far I like it but I may end up going back and doing it the way I used to in the past.  Obviously there are other ways you can do a To Do list but I like being able to see it and change it as needed.  I try to make out my list at the beginning of the week for each day.  It helps me to get focused and in some ways to create my schedule for the week of what must be done, can't wait to be done and so I know where I need to be when.

Periscope Ideas - you can see what
I've already discussed and what I
haven't yet
The second way I use my Notes app is to create content for Periscope and my blog.  One of the things I have found is that I like to have quick outlines of what I want to discuss for the week in front of me when I'm planning out content.  In order to do this the Notes app is great - I can keep it open on my computer while I scope and no one knows the wiser.  I also like to have it with me so I can add things to it while I'm out if something comes to me - like while sitting waiting for my girls at swimming lessons or while at karate or dance.  It has fun little boxes for checking things off so when I've done something I can click it off and I know it's been done and it makes my life much simpler and look a lot more organized that it probably is.

Example of how I do
my meal planning
And the last way I like to use my Notes app for is meal planning.  Now, I also use Pinterest for this as well but the way I meal plan is pretty plain Jane.  I basically comb through Pinterest, food blogs and my cookbooks to come up with 3 recipes that I want to make any given week - preferably something that creates enough for 2 meals and something that won't break the bank (like I won't make 3 chicken dishes all in one week or a dish that calls for flank steak if I'm already making 2 chicken dishes if that makes sense).  Once I have pinned the 3 recipes on Pinterest, I then open my Notes app I will usually make out a list of all the ingredients I will need for each recipe, then I create my grocery list.  My husband and I have been using Peapod through our grocery store to outsource the shopping so we stay more on budget and keep better track of what we are buying.  So once my grocery list is created I then go to the Peapod site and put everything in there - double checking my list to make sure that I don't miss anything.  While it's probably more time consuming to do it this way - it works best for me and I like doing it this way because I keep the recipes there so I have them if my internet is down or my phone dies or for whatever reason I can't find the recipe on Pinterest (these things have happened to me in the past if you couldn't tell).

So tell me, what's your favorite app for scheduling or to do lists or meal planning?  I'd love to hear in the comments.

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