A FICO score is an (un)necessary evil according to many. It determines so many things. What interest rate you will get on a loan or a credit card. If your credit limit is raised or lowered. If you have to pay points on a mortgage. If you qualify for a refinance. If you should or should not get a loan you may or may not need.
And it also can determine things like whether you get an apartment or qualify for a lease. It can also determine whether you get a job. Sound crazy? Unfortunately it's true. Employers, land lords and others all have access to your credit history. And while they may not see your actual score, there are a lot of other things on that report that they will see and it can be to your benefit or to your detriment.
A FICO score is definitely an (un)necessary evil. While it may not seem fair, it is beneficial to know that your FICO score is determined 100% by you. So if you know how to read a credit report and understand how a FICO score is determined then you are way better off then someone who doesn't. On Monday I am going to go more into detail about how to read a credit report and the 5 factors that make up a FICO score.
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